Monday, November 11, 2013

This post is only a year late!

It just occurred to me that i posted a 'teaser' post on here about some upcoming big news...well, that was over a year ago! I didn't remember to follow that post with the actual BIG NEWS.

Well, the news was that I decided to hop on my bike for a short, little, solo bike ride. And by a "short, little, solo ride", I mean just me and my bike going nearly 900 miles and 13 days cycling across the largest state in the continental US: Texas!

 While on the road, I kept a daily journal of all the things I saw and the people I met. Read all about it at this LINK.

I would very much welcome any comments or questions you have about the ride! I am planning (hopefully) on doing a similar ride in the future...perhaps next Summer/Fall.

Thanks for reading...please let me know who, if anyone, is still following this blog.
